Killington Music Festival Music in the Mountains Series

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Date(s) - 07/09/2022
7:00 pm

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Killington Music Festival
Music in the Mountains Series

Boston to KMF, one Foote at a Time – July 9

KMF pays tribute to a Bostonian renowned and prolific composer who was part of the Boston Six, Arthur Foote, by presenting some of his most beloved chamber works including his Piano Quartet and Piano Trio No. 2, among other sublime works that may put this composer on your regular audio playlists!


Call  800.621.6867 • Information: 802.773.4003
If you wish to purchase advance tickets to the Saturday concerts, call Killington Central Reservations at 800.621.6867. Advance ticket may be ordered by phone through the day prior to the performance.Tickets may be purchased the day of the performance beginning at 6pm at Ramshead Lodge. Tickets sold at the concert are cash or personal local check only.

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