Folded Star Ornaments – For All Seasons

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Date(s) - 03/14/2020
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Chaffee Art Center


The folded star ornaments are called Scandinavian Stars.  They were most often used as Christmas ornaments or gift tie-ons, and were originally made with paper.  They are pretty all year round for all seasons, and look pretty sewn together as garland.  You may sew a pin-back on to the completed star to create a pin, or use it to tuck in to a get well or greeting card.  Alternately, attach a pretty ribbon through it to hang it on a holiday tree, even Easter or Halloween.

Instructor, Debie Frohloff of the Maple Leaf Quilters Guild, will bring all the supplies and pre-cut fabrics so that participants will go home with a completed star.

$20, fee includes supplies
RSVP required.

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